I'm back... Nobody missed me I'm sure.
A belated happy new year to one and all.
Well, Christmas is over and done with for another year. The decorations are packed away and the house is back to normal - that is apart from deciding where to and how to store all of Elliot's new toys! Not that he was spoilt or anything.
Elliot had a hernia operation last Friday. It was a bit nerve wracking. I know it's a minor operation but the thought of him having an anaesthetic was bit overwhelming. I am pleased to say I was big and brave, unlike Jono who couldn't make it through the door of the anaesthesia room...
Elliot was a little star. We had a long wait at the hospital prior to the operation and he was as good as gold. He sat on the bed reading books, playing games, and drawing and didn't complain even when he asked for a drink and I said "no".
While he went under the knife I relaxed (?) by starting a new project - a scarf from Rowan Magazine 34 in Rowan Cork. I've chosen a deep burgundy colour and it's looking great. I was a bit concerned about it to start with as it's knit in a type of long stitch where you wind 2 or 3 times round the needle for each stitch so it looked a bit strange but I'm beginning to see the bigger picture now (I think?).
Elliot was able to come home the same day and I'm ashamed to say we walked back into the house and I completely forgot he couldn't walk and dumped him on the floor where he immediately fell over... Whoops! He was lying on the floor like an upturned turtle sobbing and screaming, "Mummy I'm still wobb u lee" (that's how he pronounces it by the way! what? wobbly...).
He's recovering well and we should be able to remove the dressing tomorrow.
Back to the knitting tale...
I've finished the front of Elliot's Debbie Bliss Guernsey Style Hooded Top (so just sleeves and hood to go!). Having a rest from all that cabling now and finishing the scarf first...
Discovered that one of the girls at work is also a knitter and she very kindly gave me 6 balls of Guernsey Wool - my fingers are just itching with all the projects I've got lined up.
Let's see...
I've got some funky fur in purple and lilac to make a jumper for Elliot's best friend Olivia.
I've got some gorgeous aqua Rowan All Seasons Cotton for a cardigan for Elliot.
Have got some Rowan Kidsilk Haze and await the Felted Tweed (on order) to do Elfin from Rowan Magazine 34 for me - what??? Yes, I'm going to do something for me - very scary unchartered territory here!!!
Then there's tons of other wool in my stash which could make jumpers for Elliot.
There's not enough hours in the day!
Hurry up hubby and win the lottery so I can stay at home and knit all day...