OK - so finished the Rowan Cork scarf which looks lovely by the way. It is a present for my friend Jane's birthday. I can't wait to give it to her, it's the first gift I've made for someone else as normally I only knit for Elliot.
Went back to Elliot's Debbie Bliss guernsey and knit a sleeve so only one sleeve and the hood to go. To reward myself for all that counting, cabling etc I decided to take another break from it and move onto something else - a teddy bear in Snowflake Magic Chunky. This seemed like a good idea at the time. However, now teddy is coming together he's not looking so good. I think he's going to be mutant teddy... At the moment he has a body and head (very floppy!) and one arm. I have made the ears but haven't the heart to sew them on, still have 1 arm and 2 legs to go (in case you were wondering!). I need to work out how to include photos in my blog so you can see the true horror of mutant teddy.
It's a shame really as I have quite a bit of this wool in my stash and I thought teddies would make quite nice birthday/Christmas gifts for the children we know. Maybe I'll just give them to the obnoxious ones instead!
Elliot's 3rd birthday is fast approaching and we have booked his party at a Wacky Warehouse type place - very excited. Trawled round everywhere to find Thomas the Tank Engine party invitations to no avail and then my friend Jenny spotted some so we are saved... Don't worry, I'm not knitting him a teddy!
The Rowan Felted Tweed has arrived for my Elfin cardigan - very exciting.
Rowan Magazine 35 has also arrived but I was very disappointed with it. The patterns are all for lacey, see through type creations that would only look good on a stick insect (which I am most definitely not!). There are a few bag patterns that I might be interested in trying.
Next week I'm taking a trip to Whitby to a shop called Bobbins with a friend from work - serious woolly mission! Must remember credit card...